When I was a boy a movie came out about a ranch family, on their own while the father was away on a long cattle drive, and a stray dog...
Coming Home
Coming Home It was May 26th, 1971, time to step onto the “freedom bird” and go home. Like every other guy in the war-zone back then, I...
The Power of the States
The Power of the States In 1979, I was one of a couple dozen young cattlemen from across the country meeting in Washington DC with the...
The Article V Opportunity
We live in tumultuous political times. The divides between ideologies and political principles appear to be widening at astonishing...

Eulogy for Charlie Crowder
Charlie Crowder Eulogy Delivered August 18th, 2018 War Eagles Museum, Santa Teresa NM Myles C. Culbertson Charles Leroy Crowder was born...

"A Fine Man"
I wrote this article in 2015. Hard to realize Dad would now be 103... 2015 -- Father’s Day this year is kind of special for myself and...

In the run-up to the Organ Mountains–Desert Peaks declaration under the Antiquities Act, a number of critical questions were ignored and...
This is a well written article about a father who put several of his kids through expensive colleges but one son wanted to be a Marine....

Fritz Truan
Written for American Cowboy Magazine It was February 19th, 1945. In the distance a non-descript mountain stuck out above one end of an...
When Two Worlds Collide
Back in the mid ‘60s several of us had entered the rodeo at Las Vegas, New Mexico, my hometown. The Las Vegas “Roughriders” arena was a...